October 2015 – Disrupt the WZC, Stand With Susiya

In October 2015, the Center for Jewish Nonviolence organized actions, protests, and solidarity campaigns with Palestinian and Israeli nonviolent activists to counter the 2015 World Zionist Congress’ deafening silence on the issue that we believe is most central to Israel’s future, and arguably the most important challenge facing the Jewish people today: ending the occupation.

18 activists from 5 countries traveled to be a part of these actions and several local activists joined our efforts. We also traveled to Susiya, a small Palestinian village in the South Hebron Hills with a population of 340. Susiya has been threatened with demolition orders since 2012, with the claim that it was “built without permits.” While in Susiya, we worked with the villagers of Susiya to complete their olive harvest. Harvesting olives is a seemingly simple task made dangerous and risky due to the threat of neighboring settlers who harass and attack Palestinians in efforts to coerce them to leave their land. The presence of Jewish, Israeli & international allies can serve to deter settler violence and allow Palestinians to harvest their land.

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Standing With Susiya                                                                                                  photo credit |Gili Getz